An Expert Tool for Integrating Safety into Project Management

An Expert Tool for Integrating Safety into Project Management

Katrien B.D. Bos Genserik L.L. Reniers 

Centre for Economics and Corporate Sustainability (CEDON), HUBrussel, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Antwerp Research Group on Safety and Security (ARGoSS), University of Antwerp, Belgium

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Change proposals, the introduction of new products, or changes to existing products often require new technologies and equipment to be applied to current projects in an organization or require adjustment to existing technology or equipment. Such project-based changes have an impact on safety, both direct and indirect; however, safety is often not accounted for in each phase of the project nor during the post-project period. To address this issue, this paper presents a general process scheme to be used by project management for integrating safety into each of the different project phases. Elaborating on the general process scheme, the four-leaf clover expert tool for integrating safety into a project, called 4CSπ, was developed. 4CSπ is a tool to be used as an aid to master the changes and to incorporate and minimize the impacts on safety during a project, as well as after project finalization.


change management, expert tool, project management, safety management


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