Environmentaland Overallappraisalof Highway Structuresand Earthworks

Environmentaland Overallappraisalof Highway Structuresand Earthworks

K. Fotini

Department of Civil Engineering of AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece.

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Environmental constraints constitute, nowadays, a basic element of highway design, especially in view of the alignment optimization procedure into mountainous landscape. The route selection in these areas tackles to different problems of the overall project realization: earthwork volume, environmental protection, construction cost. As a general rule, the designer has to conceive an optimum alignment reducing earthwork volume and environmental impact all by providing a high serviceability level for the highway and to implement different geostructures for cut and fill sections. The assessment and the choice of the best environment-friendly geostructures is the result of the balancing out of technical, environmental, and economic parameters. An attempt to treat these issues using a rational and experimental analysis is hereafter presented.


environmental protection, geostructures methods


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