For obstetricians and midwives, ‘internal examination’ refers to an important diagnostic technique in which the progress of labor is examined using the index and middle fingers inserted into the vagina or rectum. Training of this internal examination technique has been commonly performed using a model of the human body (manikin). However, with this method, it was impossible to determine visually where and how the examining fingers are touching, making it difficult for trainers to teach advanced examination skills efficiently and evaluate training achievements. Against this background, we have developed a training system for internal examination that enables simulation of normal and abnormal conditions of labor by detecting the position and direction of the examining fingers in real-time via tactile and visual perceptions using anatomical and virtual models. This system allows trainees to experience both normal and abnormal fetal descent into the pelvis. In addition to support the abnormal conditions, we propose the unique measurements function using magnetic sensors, in order to estimate the precise baby status, such as a gap of the uterine ostium or baby head. We conducted a survey of eight students at our university, and made inquiries for our system, and evaluated it for understanding where the position of ischiatic thor (spinal ischium), baby head, and uterine ostium. The result of the several questions shows that the understanding of all students is improved by using our system.
a training system, internal examination, magnetic sensor, manikin, virtual models, virtual reality
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