The UK’s Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) process, introduced by the Environment Act 1995, has resulted in the identification of areas of poor air quality. The next challenge for LAQM is to find and implement cost-effective, long term solutions to improve air quality. In order to achieve this, solutions must come from a wide variety of disciplines, both within and outside local authority (LA) control. This presents a significant managerial challenge to LAs. This study uses a case study methodology to perform an in-depth exploration of the managerial approach for LAQM implemented at an LA within the UK. Evidence of extensive and highly beneficial regional joint working for LAQM is presented. However, a range of ineffective approaches to joint working within the LA are identified, along with a lack of interest and involvement from the local community, senior officers and politicians, which suggests that the implemented approach is unlikely to prove efficient or effective in the medium to long term. The outcomes of this study show a level of consistency with previous studies, implying that similar difficulties could exist in LAQM practice across the UK. This paper provides a model to visualise the implemented managerial approach at the case study LA, and offers models for an improved managerial approach for LAQM. This is designed to address the limitations of the approach implemented by the case stu
air quality action plans, case study, joint working, local air quality management, local authorities, process effectiveness, process efficiency
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