Aproposalfor Green Planning in Cities

Aproposalfor Green Planning in Cities

F. Gomez P. Salvador

Department of Architectonics Constructions, Architecture School, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.

Valencia Council, Green Planning Office, Valencia, Spain.

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Many international institutions are developing pilot projects in different cities of the European Community to demonstrate the benefits obtained from green plans and action programs. In this way they intend to encourage local authorities to analyze the amount of land devoted to green zones and extend green zones whenever possible. The purpose of a ‘Green Plan’ is not that of urban planning neither is it a simple system of green zone planning in cities. It consists of a complementary and parallel approach to urban planning based on multidisciplinary teams formed by rural and urban experts, and also based on an ethical platform far from utilitarianism that enhances people’s welfare. A Green Plan represents the paradigm of the concept of sustainable development: it can contribute to integration in terms of natural harmony, beauty, life quality and health. In this work we examine the role of green planning in cities and analyze the proposal of the Green Plan for the city of Valencia.We also suggest the Green Plan of Valencia as a research model for green planning.


green planning, green zones, urban climate, urban comfort, Valencia (Spain)


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