Enhancing Network Survivability Using Routing and Link Weight Assignment to Avoid Congestion

Enhancing Network Survivability Using Routing and Link Weight Assignment to Avoid Congestion

P.K. Tseng W.H. Chung C.F. Wu C.H. Wu

Research Center for Information Technology Innovation Academia Sinica, Taiwan

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The modern wired networks transport high data rates, where a single-network failure often causes enormous packet losses. To provide adequate protection for all source–destination pairs remains a critical issue in modern networks. In this article, a high survivability Internet Protocol (IP) fast-reroute scheme against single-link and single-node failures is first described, and then a Mixed Integer Non-linear Programming (MINP) is formulated to determine link weights so as to maximize the survivability of networks running the IP fast-reroute scheme. A simulated annealing-based routing and weight assignment scheme is proposed to approximate the optimal solution of the MINP. The simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme can improve network survivability rate up to 83–100% for single-link failures, and 78–100% for single-node failures, and achieve reasonably good load balancing in five benchmark networks.


IP fast-reroute, load balance, loop-free, single-link and single-node failures, survivability


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