Pareto Optimal Solutions for Fractional Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Using MATLAB

Pareto Optimal Solutions for Fractional Multi-Objective Optimization Problems Using MATLAB

Tarek H.M. Abou-El-Enien

Department of Operations Research & Decision Support, Faculty of Computers & Information, Cairo University, 5 Dr. Ahmed Zoweil St.- Orman, Giza 12613, Egypt

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7 July 2018
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18 August 2018
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The purpose of this paper is to generate numerical Pareto optimal solutions for fractional multi-objective optimization (FMO) problems based on the Charens - Cooper transformation method and the weighting method using

. I introduce a  code and a numerical hybrid algorithm for solving FMO problems. Also, i give an illustrative numerical example to clarify the main results developed in this paper. The hand solution of the numerical example and the solution by the code give the same results.   The scientists and the engineers can apply the introduced code and the numerical hybrid algorithm to different practical FMO problems to obtain numerical solutions. The purpose of this paper is to generate numerical Pareto optimal solutions for fractional multi-objective optimization (FMO) problems based on the Charens - Cooper transformation method and the weighting method using . I introduce a  code and a numerical hybrid algorithm for solving FMO problems. Also, i give an illustrative numerical example to clarify the main results developed in this paper. The hand solution of the numerical example and the solution by the code give the same results.   The scientists and the engineers can apply the introduced code and the numerical hybrid algorithm to different practical FMO problems to obtain numerical solutions.

MATLAB®, Multi-objective Optimization problems, fractional programming, weighting method, Charens - Cooper transformation method

1. Introduction
2. Fractional Linear Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
3. A Computational Hybrid Algorithm for the Flmo Problems
4. Illustrative Example for the Flmo Problems:
5. MATLAB Code for the Flmo Problems
6. Conclusions and Future Works

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