Towards a New Local Sustainable Development Model for a Consolidated Tourist Destination: the Case of Los Cabos, Mexico

Towards a New Local Sustainable Development Model for a Consolidated Tourist Destination: the Case of Los Cabos, Mexico

A. Montaño A. Ivanova 

Department of Economics, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, México

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When a tourism destination reaches maturity and a distinguished position on the international markets, it is necessary to reconsider its development model to maintain the competitivity in the long term. This is the case of Los Cabos, Mexico, where negative impacts are noticed due to the implementation of the same model of development for more than three decades. Severe damages were caused both in the city and on the environment, added to social problems, inequity and infrastructure deficit.

The objective of this paper is to analyse and assess the problems in tourism management and planning of the site through a predictive-descriptive model of Los Cabos´ life cycle, and to raise some proposals for a redesigning of the actual model with the participation of all actors involved in the local development.

This research is based on the methodology for key strategies of action for local development and the multivariate analysis applied to local development with sustainable tourism approach. The empirical part of the study consists of questionnaires to businesses and other main actors of tourism development in Los Cabos.

The results of the research show that the variables: technological innovation, competitivity and business cooperation are directly related to the new development model design for this tourism site. To mainstream them into the processes of planning and management will foster the long-term competitivity and the sustainable local development in Los Cabos.


consolidated tourist destinations, local sustainable development, tourism enterprises


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