This article presents a procedure to analyse the consequences induced by extractive activities on the surrounding landscape. The objective is to predict the extent of visual interference a given extractive venture will have on the landscape, while taking into account the landscape sensitivity of the area. To this aim, a method is proposed for evaluating the relationship between extractive methods and resultant visual impact by means of a case study in the Lazio region of Italy. Having determined the site for the extractive activities, an annual production target is fixed. In relation to the type of material to be extracted, various options are then selected according to the possible extraction methods and, for each of these, quantitative indicators associated with the resulting visual impact are determined and evaluated. The landscape sensitivity of the area surrounding the site is considered to evaluate the possible effect on the various types of observers who may be present. The procedure described in this article constitutes a concise instrument to be used as a decision-making aid during the planning stage of a quarrying or mining venture. It would equally be of help to the regulatory authorities and to any property developers involved in making building choices, which would be affected by nearby extractive plants or any large construction work in general.
corrected visual ratio, degree of intervisibility, exploitation methods, quarries and mining activities, visual impact
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