Situated artificial institution to support the regulation of crisis management

Situated artificial institution to support the regulation of crisis management

Maiquel de Brito
Lauren Thévin
Catherine Garbay
Olivier Boissier
Jomi Fred Hübner

PPGEAS/Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil

LIG/Université de Grenoble, Grenoble, France

Laboratoire Hubert Curien UMR CNRS 5516, Institut Henri Fayol,MINES Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne, France

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This paper highlights the use of Situated Artificial Institution within an hybrid, interactive, normative multi-agent system to regulate human collaboration in crisis management. Norms regulate the actions of human actors based on the dynamics of the environment in which they are situated. In order to provide a flexible crisis regulation, situated in the context, we insert a constitutive level between environmental and normative states. Norms are thus no more referring to environmental facts but to institutional interpretation of environmental facts through constitutive rules. We present how this declarative and distinct modelling succeeds in managing the interpretation of the events while taking into account organizational context.


institution, norm, tangible interaction, crisis management.

1. Introduction
2. Besoins et démarche suivie
3. Institution artificielle située
4. Institution artificielle située pour la gestion de crises
5. Institution artificielle située appliquée aux problématiques complexes de la gestion de crises
6. Travaux liés et discussions
7. Conclusion et perspectives

Les auteurs remercient les membres de l’IRMa (Institut des Risques Majeurs de Grenoble) pour leur collaboration et également les soutiens accordés par CAPES (PDSE 4926145), CNPq (contrats 448462/2014-1 et 306301/2012-1) et l’ARC 6 Région Rhône-Alpes (ARC-13-009716-01, ARC- 13-01015201).


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