The evolution of organizations and their information systems towards more openness raises the challenge of their security. The definition of an access control policy is a major activity in the design of an Information System. This paper proposes an approach for the specification of security policies, based on the RBAC model, at the workflow level. This approach propagates permissions defined on a class diagram, using the SecureUML profile, towards constraints linked to the business process activities. Activity diagrams are defined at two levels: an abstract level which does not detail these permissions and a concrete level where constraints are associated to specific actions or to the whole diagram. A metamodel was been defined in order to specify the semantics of these activity diagrams and the semantics of their links with SecureUML models. This paper presents an extended version of (Chehida et al., 2015), which proposes a set of rules to ensure consistency between the concrete activity models and SecureUML models, and the implementation of these rules in a tool that reports all contradictions between both models.
RBAC, Workflow, business process, SecureUML, UML2, activity diagram, consistency
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