Sustainable Development City-Beach in Alicante

Sustainable Development City-Beach in Alicante

L. Aragonés J. García-Barba Y. Villacampa I. López M.E. Gómez-Martín J.I. Pagán

Department of Civil Engineering, Alicante University, Spain

Department of Applied Mathematics, Alicante University, Spain

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Tourism development in recent decades has involved a large urban development in coastal areas, with different anthropogenic structural interventions on the coast such as the construction of commercial buildings and marinas, which has led to intense erosion and large imbalances in the last century. This situation also affects the city of Alicante, with the area between the port of Alicante and the Huertas Cape, one of the most depressed areas of the city, due to various actions carried out since the 70s, for anthropic example fillers for building marinas, jetties and broken in poor condition because they are made of sandstone, and a bad connection between the two parts of the city. In this work the creation of a new promenade that communicates both zones is proposed, creating new beaches eliminating anthro- pogenic fillings and the remains of breakwaters along the coast, the union of diverse marine area in one marina, and the insertion of an artificial reef multipurpose. With all this it is to improve the attraction of the area, and increase the mobility of the city on the coast.


anthropogenic elements, beaches, mobility, tourism, urban development

1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Urrent Problems
4. Proposed Solutions
5. Conclusion

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