Our research is focused on the city of Alicante (Spain). In concrete, the sunken area studied is placed at the south of Alicante Port, being the point of entry from the airport to the city. There are two important reasons that have generated that depressed area. Firstly, the development of the city has led to a change in the use of the soil, and secondly, the extension of Alicante Port. This area used to be a metallurgical industrial zone, but during the last 40 years, it has overcome an urban growth. The European Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), the most modern Film Studio in Europe ‘Ciudad de la luz’, a desalination plant and residential complexes and offices have settled down there. Unfortunately, all this development has occurred without taking into account the coastal needs. Regarding to that, several elements that contribute to the deterioration of the area can be found along the coast, that is the mouth of a rift called ‘Barranco de las Ovejas’ at north, the ‘Agua Amarga’ rift at south and the desalination sewage pipe. Besides, there is a merchandise train line adjoining the Maritime-Terrestrial Public Domain that provides service to the port, but hinders the way for pedestrians going to the beach.
coast, industrial activities, railway, sustainable development
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