Airbnb on the Costa Blanca. Diagnosis and Proposal of Social and Tourist Integration

Airbnb on the Costa Blanca. Diagnosis and Proposal of Social and Tourist Integration

Iker Jimeno Miranda Antonio Aledo Tur Armando Ortuño Padilla 

Departamento de Sociología I y Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Alicante, España

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This article explores the potential of the new peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms for tourist accommodation as a local development tool for the residential tourism oriented economies on the main Costa blanca (Spain) municipalities. It analyzes the main characteristics of this phenomenon and its interaction with the residential tourism model. The ability of these platforms to offset the negative impacts of residential tourism is examined. The opportunities offered by P2P tourist accommodation platforms to favor a transition from a construction based economy to a residential one will be discussed in the conclusions.


Airbnb, Costa Blanca, P2P platforms, Residential tourism, Sharing economy


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