Analytical Models for Machine Tool Motion Behavior Assessment Bench Mark Subjected to Great Earthquake

Analytical Models for Machine Tool Motion Behavior Assessment Bench Mark Subjected to Great Earthquake

Paulo Da Silva Ikuo Tanabe

Nagaoka university of Technology. Dept. of mechanical Engineering, Nagaoka, japan.

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Three large earthquakes hit japan in the last few years continuously. It affected country’s economy and hard to recover specially the manufacturing sector. For avoiding such impacts in the future, lessons were studied and actions were taken. This study therefore was conducted to assess the basic minimum machine tool motion behavior criteria by utilizing the existing seismic data. Particularly, the japan real earthquake data (The 2004 chūetsu and the great hanshin earthquakes as well as the 2011 Tūhoku earthquake) and mathematical models that mimic the movement of machine tools with screw jack mounting during seismic occurrence were considered and developed. For the validity, both mathemati- cal analysis and experimental performances of a previously developed small mock-up structure of a machine tool were conducted. The study concludes that (1) the possible motion behavior of a machine tool was able to be defined and calculated; (2) using the existing real seismic data able to predict the motion behaviour of a machine tool; and (3) it was observed that up-to approximately 60 % accuracy obtained when using the real earthquake data and the developed mathematical models for analysing machine tool motion behavior.


earthquake-resistance, machine tool motion, risk management.


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