Formal verification of moral values in MAS

Formal verification of moral values in MAS

Grégory Bonnet Bruno Mermet Gaële Simon 

Laboratoire GREYC - UMR 6072 Université du Havre, France

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The increasing use of autonomous artificial agents in hospitals or in transport control ystems leads to consider whether moral rules shared by many of us are followed by these agents. This a particularly hard problem because most of these moral rules are often not compatible. In such cases, humans usually follow ethical rules to promote one moral rule or another. Using formal verification to ensure that an agent follows a given ethical rule could help in increasing the confidence in artificial agents. In this article, we show how a set of formal properties can be obtained from an ethical rule ordering conflicting moral rules with respect to a value system. If the behaviour of an agent verifies these properties (which can be proven using our existing proof framework), it means that this agent follows this ethical rule.


formal specification, multi-agent systems, ethic, computational ethics

1. Introduction
2. État de l’art
4. Prouver une éthique
5. Étude de cas
6. Conclusion et perspectives

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