Flexible distributed load shedding using a self-Adaptive multi-Agents system

Flexible distributed load shedding using a self-Adaptive multi-Agents system

Victor Lequay Mathieu Lefort Saber Mansour Salima Hassas 

Équipe SMA, LIRIS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France

Ubiant SA, Lyon, France

Corresponding Author Email: 
victor.lequay@liris.cnrs.fr; mathieu.lefort@liris.cnrs.fr; salima.hassas@liris.cnrs.fr; saber.mansour@ubiant.com
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Load shedding is a cheap and eco-friendly way to maintain balance on the power grid, by matching consumption on production. In this context, the main problem is to coordinate smart buildings in order for them to be able to anticipate their need and also to collectively adjust their load shedding. We present a bottom-up approach on distributed loadshedding and propose a decentralized model based on gossip protocols. These algorithms provide a strong and scalable platform on top of which we built a self-evaluation mechanism ensuring enough reliability to be used on a large scale power grid, ie the ability to maintain a stable load shedding. In this article, we present our system and discuss the first results we obtained with it, before presenting some of its possible improvements.


multi-agents system, load shedding, gossip algorithm, self-evaluation

1. Introduction
2. État de l’art de l’effacement diffus
3. Cadre général
4. Modèle pour l’effacement diffus
5. Expérimentations
6. Conclusion et perspectives

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