The intention of this study is to investigate how Modern websites are efficiently delivering information from the servers to their clients and its problems that are impacting the society today. People spend most of the time of the day surfing the Internet from various access devices i.e. desktop, laptop, mobile phone, tablet PC, watches, etc. The daily numbers of devices are increasing and so is the network traffic. Maximum of times the issue is related to bandwidth, especially as the device's size decreases can compel the developers and designer to take drastic measure to provide optimum experience. This study highlights on how various different sectors of technologies are trying to solve the issues with their patent technologies, still, there exists a gulf of standard means information and data transfer. One sound solution that has been standardizing is content delivery networks (CDN). The CDNs have solved many problems related to network traffic distribution & latency but require a generation update. This study discusses some of major design patterns and workarounds that developers and designers can adopt in order to provide better user experiences. This study will propose a solution that will solve some of the problem related to intelligent data transfers across various client devices.
Web design, CDN, Adaptive web, Responsive web, Styling.
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