Analysis of Two Cohesive Zone Models for Crack Propagation in Notched Beams Using the BEM

Analysis of Two Cohesive Zone Models for Crack Propagation in Notched Beams Using the BEM

P.C. Gonçalves L. Palermo J.R. S.P.B. Proença

XNatural Resources Institute, Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil

School Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design, University of Campinas, Brazil

São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil

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Crack propagation in a single-edge notched beam is analyzed with the three-point bending test. Two constitutive laws that describe the material softening in the cohesive zone were tested, and their results were compared. The dual boundary element method (DBEM) is employed with the traction boundary integral equation using the tangential differential operator. A constitutive law was introduced in the system of equations, and the cohesive forces were directly computed at each loading step. The results are compared with the experimental and numerical results available in the literature.


cohesive model, crack analysis, dual boundary element model, Plane problems, tangential differential operator


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