© 2021 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The article overviews the influence transport supply has on the functioning parameters of the urban mobility structure of a large city that does not have off-street transport. The influence of the cost of paid parking, the length of bus and bike lanes on the share of trips by personal and public transport, cycling and pedestrian traffic is established. An assessment of the change in passenger traffic at individual bus stops and passenger traffic on bus routes is carried out with a change in the structure of urban mobility. The change in urban mobility with the expansion of the paid parking zone in the city centre is considered. The structure of urban mobility is determined using simulation modelling with a macroscopic transport model of a large city with a population over 800 thousand people. The parameters of three- factor mathematical models are determined, the adequacy of the models are checked and the static characteristics are presented. Changes in routes of movement of pedestrians and passengers of public transport after the construction of a new pedestrian bridge are predicted. Pedestrian traffic on the bridge increases with the introduction of a bus stop next to the bridge and two new routes for public transport.
bike lanes, bus lane, paid parking, pedestrian traffic, transport planning and modelling, urban mobility, urban transport system
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