Study and realization of an electrostatic precipitator device

Study and realization of an electrostatic precipitator device

Med Ali KouidriD. Mahi 

Laboratory of studies and Development of Semiconductor and Dielectric Materials, LeDMaScD, University Amar Telidji of Laghouat, Algeria

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18 February 2018
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10 April 2018
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An electrostatic filter is a device consisting of plates (receiving electrodes) arranged vertically between which there vertically tensioned wires (electrodes) are electrically powered by the high voltage. A negative voltage applied to the emitting electrodes, generates the formation of electrons in the vicinity of these, which ionize the gas molecules. These ions are attracted by the collector plates and charge the dust by corona effect on their paths. These dusts are then attracted to the collector plates and adhere to it. Cleaning is provided by the Hammers striking regularly these plates allow to picking up the particles at regular intervals. The dust is thus collected to be evacuated. The obtained results of the different geometries showed that this aspect represents a dominant influence on the design and implementation of corona discharge reactor.


Electro filter, corona discharge, geometry, electric field, ionization, particles, environment, high voltage

1. Introduction
2. Operating Principle of the Realized Device
3. Air Gap Rupture Mechanism
4. Simulation of the Experimental Device
5. Conclusion

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