Investigation of Structural, Compositional and Magnetic Properties of Copper-Nickel Alloy by Electrodeposition

Investigation of Structural, Compositional and Magnetic Properties of Copper-Nickel Alloy by Electrodeposition

E. Arulkumar S. Thanikaikarasan* Tansir Ahamad Saad M Alshehri

Department of Physical Sciences, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai - 602 105, Tamil Nadu, India

Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh -11451, Kingdome of Saudi Arabia

Corresponding Author Email:
10 July 2022
1 January 2023
10 January 2023
Available online: 
30 June 2023
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Special Issue

The arrangement of various metals in a nanoalloy framework enables the alteration of chemical and physical properties. In this study, the structure, surface, composition and magnetic properties of a copper-nickel alloy thin film  that was electrodeposited on a stainless steel substrate at -0.9V and 60℃ are  examined. During the deposition of the bath temperature, chemical elements copper forms first, followed by the formation of a bimetallic copper-nickel alloy. A nickel-rich alloy that effectively resists oxidation covers the underlying copper. It was found that the copper-nickel films revealed a face-centered cubic structure with crystallites oriented along the (1 1 1) plane including crystallite size, micro-strain, dislocation density, and stacking fault probability. Morphological and film composition characteristics revealed that the deposited films were well adherent to the surface of the substrate with microcracks and stoichiometric ratio. The magnetic properties of the deposited films were estimated.


Cu-Ni, Electrodeposition, X-ray diffraction, SEM, Coercivity

1. Introduction

Electroplating is one technique for producing multi alloysat lower temperatures and potentials for advancements inscience and technology. Because they can fulfil a wide rangeof practical requirements that pure metals cannot, their fieldsof application have grown significantly. Protective,decorative, and functional applications are among therequirements. Alloy plating is also important in theconservation of valuable and scarce metals. In this case, theelectrodeposited alloys typically have a more pleasing colourand appearance than the existing metals and betterappearance than the parent metals with smoother, brighterand fine grained. Many of the alloys are best plated in abright state, either by themselves or in the presence ofbrightening additives. In some environments, their resistanceto chemical attack and corrosion outperforms that of theparent metals [1]. The magnetic material based binary andternary composite alloys are interest for their very potentialapplication due to their magnetostrictive smart material foractuator, sensor, energy harvesting applications, high densityrecording and data storage discs [2, 3]. This attention is due tothe fact that, unlike other super clever material systems,cubic Fe-Ga and Fe-Ga-Al alloy is the first to combine good magnetostrictive and mechanical and physical properties withthe ability to be formed and welded into a variety of shapesand configurations [4]. So, these alloys exhibit conductive properties ranging from normal metallic to superconductor like vanadium baesed aloys are mostly used high-field superconductors [5]. It is important to note that the metalswith the highest electrical conductivity (e.g., Cu, Au) do not have superconductivity by nature. In this case, the combination of semi-hard magnetic materials demonstrated magnetic properties intermediate between hard and softmagnets, with coercivity values (Hc) ranging between 50 and 1000 Oe. They have relatively high magnetization atsaturation (Ms), but medium magnetization at remanence (Mr) and saturation field, so the cost of energy to magnetise the material is much lower than for hard magnets [6]. As aresult, they can be easily magnetised and demagnetized tocontrol the value of residual magnetization with magnetic force that is proportional to its thickness for films. From that alloys pure copper is not stable in oxygen-containingelectrolytes, particularly in marine environments [7]. So, the nickel is commenly used ferromagnetic and its is used widerange of energy application due to the its corosion resistance. Cu-Ni alloys corrosion resistance is attributed to a protectivelayer composed primarily of a thin, strongly adherent inner barrier CuO layer that is in contact with a solution via aporous and thick outer Cu(I) hydroxide/oxide layer. Through a solid-state reaction, Ni from the alloy segregates into the CuO barrier layer and incorporates into the cation vacancies, increasing corrosion resistance [8].

2. Experimental

All chemicals used were analytical grade. Nickel chloride hexahydrate (molecular weight:237.69) and copper chloride dihydrate (molecular weight:170.48), ammonium chloridewere used to self-decomposition of copper nickel ions fromthe electrolytic solution [9]. Precursor consists of 0.2 M CuCl2, and 0.06 M NiCl2 and 0.3 M NH4Cl were used for electrodeposition method, respectively. The electrochemical deposition of Cu-Ni alloys was carried out potentiostatically by employing three electrode system consists of stainlesssteel substrates working electrode, Graphite rod as counter electrode whereas Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) asreference electrode, respectively. The substrates were cleaned with hydrochloric acid, acetone and double distilled water. Initially, the pH value of the electrolytic bath was found to be 4.0 ± 0.1 Thereafter, the pH value was slightly increased above 5.0 ± 0.1 by the addition of NH3OH respectively. The electrolytic bath temperature of the electrolytic bath was maintained at 60℃ with the input potential -0.9V. The bath temperature 60℃ is the rate of release of ions were producedfilm with well adherence nature to the substrate. The depositdfilm were going to take further characterization.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1 Structural properties

XRD analysis confirmed the presence of elemental coppernickel alloys is shown if Figure 1. Alloying is a common practice because metallic bonds allow joining of different types of metals. In this case the copper nickel molarity is exhibited fm3m space group with FCC structure. And also, the prominent peaks (111), (200), (220) and (311) and are exhibited well Cu-Ni alloy formication. XRD analysis confirmed the presence of elemental copper-nickel alloy is shown if the CuKα peak positions for lattice parameter wasdetermined from a plot of lattice parameter versus cos2θ/sinθ [10]. The experimental lattice parameters for copper andnickel were found to be 3.4402 Å. These values are inagreement with the lattice parameter for copper nickel alloy (JCPDS no-009-0205). The crystallite size (D), dislocation density (δ) strain (ε) and stacking fault (SF) values are estimated using the following Eqns. (1)-(4).

3.2 Surface morphology and film composition

The microscipic analysis of electrodeposited Cu-Ni alloy on stainless steel is was analyzed by Scaning Electron Microscope is shown in Figure 2. It seems that the Cu-Ni alloys has to show aggrigation of uneven with large grains and the compact surface microcracks was clearly indexed onthe stainless steel substrate.

Figure 1. XRD pattern of Cu-Ni alloy thin films deposited on Stainless steel substrate

$D=\frac{0.9 \lambda}{\beta \operatorname{COS} \theta}$         (1)

$\delta=\frac{1}{D^2} \operatorname{lines} / m^2$        (2)

$\varepsilon=\frac{\beta \cos \theta}{4}$          (3)

$S F=\left[\frac{2 \pi^2}{45(3 \tan \theta)^{1 / 2}}\,\,\right] \beta$          (4)

So, the compact surface morphology of material would affect the corrosion rate of the Cu-Ni alloy [11]. According to EDX results of electrodeposited copper-nickel alloy in the atomic percentage are exhibit to the homogeneous mixture and the relative counts are related to the XRD pattern. This phenomenon probably correlated with the FWHM in our xrd analysis. The highest average FWHM is in the Cu-Ni alloy thin film that shows a compact small grain around the biggrain. So, that the composition of the alloy deposited at high potential -0.9V is almost similar to the concentration of the metal ions in the electrolyte.

Figure 2. SEM image of electrdeposited Cu-Ni alloy

Figure 3. EDX analysis of electrodeposited Cu-Ni alloy

3.3 Magnetic properties

The Magnetic hysteresis (B-H) loop electrodeposited Cu-Ni thin films deposited on SS substrate is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. B-H loop of Cu-Ni alloy thin films on stainless

Table 1. The estimated value of structural parameters for electrodeposited Cu-Ni alloy thin films on steel substrate

2 θ (degree)


d spacing (Å)

Crystallite size (D) (nm)

Strain (ε) (x 10-3 line-2 m-4)

Dislocation density δ (1014) lines metre-2

Stacking fault Probabiity α (10-3)




































Among the magnetic properties the value of coercivity plays an essential role, since it is well known that the lower value of coercivity focuses the materials for soft magnetic properties [12]. The exhibition of magnetic properties of the deposited films depends upon the structure as well as stoichiometry. Cu-Ni alloy exhibits higher hardness, better adhesion, excellent magnetic properties, high wear and corrosion resistance as well as good stability at room temperature. The magnetic topographies such as saturation magnetization, anisotropy constant, squareness and coercivity depend upon the content of Cu and Ni present in the dceposited films. The value of coercivity and retentivity was found to be 67.11 Oe and 275.64 x 10-6 emu respectively.

4. Conclusion

The Cu-Ni thin film were successfully deposited on stainless steel substrates by electrodeposition technique. All of the deposited films had face-centered cubic structures that were oriented along the (1 1 1) plane, according to structural analysis. The microstructural parameters such as crystallite size, interplaner atomic distance, microstrain, dislocation density and stacking fault probability are investigated. Morphology showed that the deposited films found to exhibit compact microcracks surface. Compositional analysis revealed that the content of Cu and Ni with atomic percentage of 54.83, 45.17, respectively. The deposited films were found to exhibit soft magnetic properties. The maximum value of saturation magnetization was found to be 4.4216 x 10-3. The value of coercivity was found to be in between 67.117Oe, whereas the value of retentivity andsensitivity was found to be in the range 275. 64 x 10-6 emu and -6.1000 emu.


The authors extend their sincere appreciation to the Researchers Supporting Project Number (RSP2023R6), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for funding this research.



crystallite size (nm)


lattice spacing (Å)


saturation magnetization


coercivity, (Oe)

Retentivity, (emu)


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