Recognizing the electric double layer properties in nanowire FET is important not only in electrochemistry but also in a wide variety of areas including biosensors, colloid science, membrane biology, and separation phenomena. The implementation of modified Poisson Boltzmann model on one dimensional nanostructures in electrolyte environments is very interesting field. In this work, the modi-fied Poisson Boltzmann and Poisson Boltzmann model implemented in Silicon Nanowire Field effect transistor in common electrolytes environments for noticing the characteristics both the models. The ionic distributions profile and the electric double layer potential drop profiles of the MPB and PB models have compared and the results exhibited. The MPB model of NaCl, CsCl electrolyte environments and the PB model electrolytes environments of electric double layer potential drop with various concentration results compared. The results show the MPB model provides higher resolution than PB model for a given surface charges. while designing of the sensors the MPB model results should be considered at specified parameters.
Biosensor, Comparison of MPB and PB, Electrical double layer Analysis, Silicon Nanowire FET
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