Electrochemical deposition was successfully used to prepare mesoporous silica thin films with highly ordered and vertically oriented pores. Tetraethyl orthosilicate was used as the inorganic silicon source and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide was the template. A negative potential was applied to the working electrode, which was initially immersed in collosol and then in hydroxyl at the electrode/solution interface. Hydroxyl ion served as the catalyst that promoted the polycondensation and self-assembly of the silicon precursor, as well as the formation of thin films with pores which are highly ordered and vertically oriented with respect to the panel.The pore arrangement of the mesoporous film was hexagonal, and its aperture was 2 nm to 3 nm. The verticality of the thin film pore was demonstrated through permeability and transmission electron microscopy analyses. The prepared mesoporous film possessed good optical amorphous antireflective property with ordered and vertically oriented pores.
mesoporous silica thin film, electrochemical deposition, vertically oriented pores
This research work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51272183), The Hubei Pro-vincial Natural Science Foundation (2012FFA042), and the self-determined and innovative research funds of Wuhan University.
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