Conductivity measurements of aqueous K2CO3 were performed using the van der Pauw method and a specially designed sam- ple holder with Pt wires as electrodes. The resistance was measured using alternating current. The conductivity of 10-50 wt% aqueous K2CO3 was measured at room temperature and ambient pressure. The conductivity was found to increase with concentration up to 30-40 wt%, and decline at higher concentrations. Furthermore, the conductivity of 5-30 wt% aqueous K2CO3 was measured up to 180-200 °C at 30 bar. The highest conductivity measured was 1.34 S/cm at 172 °C for 30 wt% K2CO3 (aq). The conductivity was found to increase with concentration and also temperature for 5-15 wt%. For 20 and 30 wt% K2CO3 (aq) the conductivity also increased with temperature up to a certain point and then a drop was seen at 150 and 180 °C, respectively. The activation energy was also obtained by fitting the data to a modified Arrhenius equation. The activation energy was found to be in the range 0.14-0.17 eV and did not appear to be concentration de- pendent.
Conductivity; K2CO3; Aqueous solution; Van der Pauw; Electrolysis
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