Variabilité de la demande et intérêt du partage de l’information dans la chaîne logistique

Variabilité de la demande et intérêt du partage de l’information dans la chaîne logistique

Idris Lalami Yannick Frein Jean-Philippe Gayon 

Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, G-SCOP 38 000 Grenoble, France

PSA Peugeot Citroën 2-10, boulevard de l’Europe, 78300 Poissy, France

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This paper presents an analysis of demand variability based on a case study coming from the automotive supply chain. We focus on two links in this chain: the vehicle assembly plant and its supplier who produces mechanical parts. We analyze the variability of the demand expressed by assembly plants on a given period. Beyond the variability related to end customers, we identify two main causes of this variability: the changes of production levels in these plants and the distortion effect generated by information processing. Moreover, we show the importance of improving the existing methods of coordination and we illustrate the value of sharing with suppliers some information owned by assembly plants.


demand variability, information sharing, inventory management

1. Introduction
2. Revue de littérature
3. Description du cadre de l’étude
4. La variabilité des ordres
5. La fiabilité des prévisions
6. Intérêt du partage de l’information
7. Conclusion et perspectives de recherche

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