Facility unvailabilities management and supply chains design

Facility unvailabilities management and supply chains design

Fouad Maliki Mustapha Anwar Brahami Mohammed Dahane Zaki Sari 

Ecole Préparatoire en Sciences et Techniques de Tlemcen Laboratoire de productique de Tlemcen (MELT), Université de Tlemcen, Algérie

Laboratoire de Génie Industriel et de Production de Metz (LGIPM) Ecole nationale d’ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM), France

Izmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Engineering, Turkey

Corresponding Author Email: 
f.maliki@epst-tlemcen.dz; ma.brahami@epst-tlemcen.dz; dahane@enim.fr; z_sari@mail.univ-tlemcen.dz
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The supply chain is subject to random failures caused by different factors which cause the unavailability of some sites. In this sense, the management of these unavailabilities is becoming a strategic choice to ensure the desired reliability and availability levels of the different supply chain facilities. In this work, we treat two problems related to the field of supply chain, namely the design and unavailahilities management of logistics facilities. Specifically, we consider a stochastic distribution network with consideration of suppliers selection and distribution centres (DCs) location decisions and DCs unavai/abi/ities management. Our resolution approach consists firstly on define the best supply chain structure using an optimization approach based on genetic algorithms (GA), then to simulate the supply chain performance with the presence of DCs failures. Two simulation strategies are performed, one by replace each unavailable DC by the closest DC and the other consist on performing a reallocation using GA. The obtained results of the two strategies are detailed and compared.


supply chain management, location-allocation, suppliers selection, unvailabilities management, genetic algorithms.

1. Introduction
2. Revue de littérature
3. Problématique considérée
4. Approche de résolution
5. Résultats obtenus et analyse
6. Conclusions et perspectives

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