A deep neural network-based algorithm for safe release of big data under random noise disturbance

A deep neural network-based algorithm for safe release of big data under random noise disturbance

Jian Yu Hui Wang 

Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College, School of Electronic Information Engineering, Liuzhou 545005, China

Liuzhou Vocational and Technical College, School of Art, Liuzhou 545005, China

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Despite its huge benefits, the release of big data is faced with the severe risk of privacy leakage. To solve the problem, this paper proposes a deep neural network (DNN)-based algorithm for safe release of big data under random noise disturbance. Specifically, a random noise of a certain probability distribution was added into the release of the big data, such that the public output will not change significantly whether an individual data record is in the dataset and that that the published data will be basically the same to the original dataset. The algorithm was then optimized in light of the attributes of the correlated datasets in big data. Finally, the proposed algorithm was proved better than the traditional algorithm in large-scale searches of correlated datasets, and capable of ensuring privacy at a lower privacy budget.


deep neural network (DNN), big data, privacy preserving, differential privacy

1. Introduction
2. Definition of privacy in the release of big data
3. Random noise addition mechanism in the release of big data
4. Privacy analysis of correlated datasets
5. Noise addition mechanism of correlated datasets
6. Experiments and results analysis
7. Conclusions

This work is supported by {2018,2019} Foundation of Improving Academic Ability in University for Young Scholars of Guangxi.


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