This paper describes how the data fusion and application of Kinect v2 and Leap Motion in Unity3D are implemented. Firstly, it implements a method based on Kinect v2 to obtain fingertips. Then, it calibrates Kinect v2 and Leap Motion in two different orientations in two steps. The preliminary calibration uses a one-dimensional calibration rod algorithm, and the fine calibration keeps approximating the true value through iteration, which realizes the joint calibration of the two. Finally, this paper uses Unity3D to fuse the data of the two types of equipment and conducts human-computer interaction with the virtual object in the virtual space of Unity3D. Experiments show that the method proposed in this paper can extend the hand tracking range and improve the accuracy of the collision between the human hand and the virtual object.
fingertip recognition, joint calibration, data fusion, natural human-computer interaction, leap motion, Kinect v2.
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