Despite the potential benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHRs), health care professionals face difficulties in the selection of relevant documents in huge repositories during collaborative activities. In this article, we investigate the development of an innovative Information Retrieval (IR) and sharing mechanism that explores the formal representation of inten- tions in EHRs. To this end, this research relies on Organizational Semiotics and Speech Acts Theory. We defined an algorithm to filter and sort search results relying on intention classes explicitly declared as query parameters in the search mechanism. As our main contribution, we developed the SiRBI IR system for supporting group knowledge sharing through EHRs. To evaluate the proposal, we conducted an experimental study using a realworld EHR repository in two search scenarios, which involve an interdisciplinary group. The obtained results demonstrated the effectiveness of the solution.
information retrieval, electronic health records, information sharing, query expansion, intentions, illocutions, speech acts theory
This work is supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Grant#2017/02325-5)4.
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