This paper presents a user-friendly tool, called MEMO GRAPH, for visualizing and navigating ontologies. Compared to related work, MEMO GRAPH supports the visualisation of linked open data datasets. It is designed to be used by everyone, including ontology experts and users not familiar with semantic web technologies. It provides an accessible and understandable user interface that follows the “Design-for-all” philosophy. Precisely, it offers an Alzheimer’s patients-friendly interface. MEMO GRAPH is integrated in the CAPTAIN MEMO memory prosthesis in order to visualize a small-scale dataset (PersonLink). It is also applied, as a standalone application, for visualizing a large-scale dataset (DBpedia). We discuss the encouraging results derived from the preliminary empirical evaluation, which confirm that MEMO GRAPH is an intuitive and efficient visualization tool.
semantic web, ontology, linked open data, visualization, design-for-all, Alzheimer’s disease, user interface
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