Design and evaluation of a patient-oriented language for the representation of care protocols

Design and evaluation of a patient-oriented language for the representation of care protocols

Amira Derradji Christine Verdier

Univ. Grenoble Alpes, LIG, 220 rue de la chimie, F-38000 Grenoble

ARCAN SYSTEMS, 4 rue Edison, F-69500 Bron

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Home care is currently widespread. Chronic patients represent a good target for home-care because (i) the care protocol is precise, clear (e.g peritoneal dialysis, type 1 diabetes), (ii) patients don’t need hospital stay (except in case of emergency), (iii) patients perfectly know their chronic disease. The main problem is that the care protocol is often oral and when written, protocols are dedicated to government agencies or social insurance. Then, two problems arise: the lack of digital support for chronic disease protocols and the impossibility to introduce the patient’s expertise in the care process. We propose an approach to address these two issues: (i) a digital care protocol to help both patients and physicians to follow the care process, gather medical data, send alerts and help the patient in the everyday life and keep every care’s stakeholder informed, (ii) an adaptive digital care protocol that introduces filtered patients expertise to improve the protocol and the care. As a first step, we propose in this paper a metamodel and a graphical notation to formalize this research and results of an experiment developed to validate the metamodel proposed. We illustrate the proposition with some screenshots.


e-health, care protocol, expert patient, medical software application

1. Introduction
2. État de l’art
3. Proposition de méta-modèle du protocole de soins
4. Expérimentation et validation du méta-modèle
5. Spécification de la solution
6. Conclusion et perspectives

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