Road Transport Corridors to Ecological Transition in Spain

Road Transport Corridors to Ecological Transition in Spain

José Luis Miralles i Garcia

Department of Urban Planning, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

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Last December 2020, the European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) already approved. RRF will be structured around six pillars. Between them, the first pillar is ‘green transition’. Green transition includes the goal of balanced CO2 emissions in 2050. Inside this framework, European transport system must to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This objective implies recovery transport system to sustainable modes. One of main ways to make the change is translate passengers and freight transport from road to railways that avoid greenhouse emissions if it uses electric energy with sustainable origins. To planning the change is important to now the mobility of passengers and freight by road. This article analyses the mobilities’ situation in Spain by road represented such as network of main nodes and trams, passengers and freight, for medium and large distance in 2017.


ecological transition, European corridors, mobility, Sustainable transport


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