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Over the past 10 years, the fleet of electric vehicles has grown dramatically, due to the introduction of incentive programs for their operation, as well as the development of accessible charging infrastructure. However, the design and organization of this network come with a number of obstacles in countries where the number of electric vehicles is limited. A small number of operated electric vehicles leads to a decrease in the utilization rate of the charging infrastructure. A main obstacle to increasing the fleet of electric vehicles is an insufficiently developed charging network. In this instance, such a location of charging stations in the city that will help to reduce idle runs of electric vehicles and increase the utilization rates of charging stations is one of the priority practical tasks in the field of infrastructure organization. In the world, there are approaches to the location of charging stations in cities. They are based on the methods proposed for choosing the location of socially significant objects in the city, and therefore take into account the centres of attraction of the population, the features of the organization of parking space and car services. However, until now, no methodology has been developed aimed at calculating the number of charging stations in the city, taking into account the characteristics of the functioning of the existing infrastructure and their location. The developed approach to the location of charging stations will take into account the peculiarities of the city’s power distribution network, the complexity of the access roads to the charging station and the likelihood of a free parking space. This paper partially describes the results of a larger study and aims at developing an approach to the location of charging stations in the city and optimizing the existing network. The approach was developed in two stages. Initially, the authors identified the applicability of an existing model, and then at the second stage, they adapted it taking into account the proposed indicators for assessing the location of the charging station in the city of Tyumen. In the future, the developed approach will be applied in several cities of the Russian Federation.
capital costs, charging infrastructure, charging station, electric vehicle, model of the optimal location, operating costs
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