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A study on cyclists’ behaviour and bicycle kinematic was conducted to determine the behavioural characteristics and kinetic representatives, as they are closely linked. The study focused on the behaviour of cyclists at road intersections and on cycle paths, including the crossing speeds, the accelerations, the time spent covering a fixed distance, as well as the most complex and dynamic part of the road transport system, the human factor. Whether the road users follow the laws of traffic and adopt a cautious and considerate driving attitude has a great impact on road safety. Video cameras placed at different locations were used to collect traffic data. A post processing phase to analyze the data followed. Interesting groups behaviour of cyclists were identified, as well as many characteristics curves related to the kinematic parameters. In general, a poor attitude towards compliance with behavioural rules has emerged in the medium-sized city of Bologna, Italy, especially for male cyclists.
In addition, the average flow speed was observed under normal conditions, resulting in the order of 4 m/s. The results obtained are useful for understanding the performance of mixed traffic at intersection and on bicycle lanes, as well as building a basis for road accident reconstruction.
safety & hazards, traffic engineering, cyclists’ behaviour, bicycle kinematic, traffic accident reconstruction, crash analysis
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