The Menace of Uncontrolled Trailer/Truck Loads and the Use of Weigh-In-Motion Device on Carriageways in Nigeria

The Menace of Uncontrolled Trailer/Truck Loads and the Use of Weigh-In-Motion Device on Carriageways in Nigeria

Dukiya Jehoshaphat Jaiye Adejumo Taiye Elisha

Department of Transport Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

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Unlike in the developed countries, road rehabilitation timing has recently become a subject of consideration and attracting much attention in developing countries like Nigeria. Increase in international roughness index (IRI) on Nigerian roads corroborated this fact. This study focuses on trailer/truck loads pattern, highway regulations and standard life span of highways, annual budgetary allocations to road construction and rehabilitations, and the adoption of weigh-in-motion (WIM) device on Nigerian carriageways. The study reveals that the increase in freight movement and growth in E80s/heavy vehicles (HV) traffic on inter-state roads has tripled within the last 5 years. It further revealed that the highway life span has reduced to 2 years in Nigeria, and thereby increased the national recurrent expenditure on road transport. Results from this study shows that the deplorable conditions of the national highways have resulted in the loss of about ₦175 billion to the Nigerian economy. Lastly, this setback of none implementation of weighbridges and WIM devices on Nigeria roads can be attributed to political vested interest, lack of will power and governance offered by the ruling class in the country rather than technicality.


carriageway, highway, road capacity, trailer/truck, vehicle axle, weigh-in-motion


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