Specialists have been discussing the best locations for railway stations for a long time; the first railway stations were built in the 21st century, and afterwards cities grew to the point of leaving the stations in central areas. Central stations provide train trips with several advantages over other means of transport. However, high-speed railway (HSR) introduces new variables when considering the best location for new stations. In 2000, the author’s team started the discussion and assessment of possible locations for the new HSR station in Valencia (Spain) and undertook two studies to analyse this issue. This article provides a theoretical framework for train station location and the analysis of the case in Spain. Furthermore, it synthesizes the results from researches performed in 2002 and 2006 as well as their implementation in Valencia. In addition, this article examines recent experience in relation to new high-speed train station placement, and the case of the 2,400-km-long HSR network in Spain by the end of 2015. Since the HSR network has a different track gauge in relation to the historical railway network, adaptations in the old stations or new locations were required. This situation allowed us to analyse the evolution of HSR in Spain and confirm theories about territorial impacts and optimal rail-network design, particularly in relation to the best location for new HSR stations. This article also looks into the evolution and current trends in modern railway planning, which have progressively changed in Spanish cities such as Madrid and Barcelona.
city-HSR integration, high-speed train, HSR stations, intermodal air-train station
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