A Railway Simulation Suite for Modelling Advanced Railway Control Systems

A Railway Simulation Suite for Modelling Advanced Railway Control Systems

P. Stankaitis | A. Iliasov | A. Romanovsky

Centre for Software Reliability, Newcastle University, UK

Available online: 
30 April 2017
| Citation



All large railway networks use a mixture of outdated, modern and emerging signalling and train operation principles. There is a need to develop novel modelling and verification mechanisms to support mixed traffic scenarios, including, for example, mixing different types of signalling and driving. In our previous work we introduced the Unified Train Driving Policy (UTDP) formal modelling language for uniformly capturing diverse signalling principles and mixing, in a demonstratively safe manner, at the node and/or network-level novel and legacy signalling principles. This paper describes our work on making UTDP practical and useful for the engineers.


advanced railway control systems, simulation, formal methods, automatic train operation (ATO), Unified Train Driving Policy


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