Feasibility Evaluation and Critical Factor Analysis for Subway Scheduling

Feasibility Evaluation and Critical Factor Analysis for Subway Scheduling

T. Zhu J.M. Mera | E. Castellote | J. López

Railway Technology Research Centre, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain

Available online: 
30 April 2017
| Citation



In strategic subway scheduling stage, the conflict sometimes comes from different requirements of the subway operator. This study aims to investigate the significant factors concerning strategic subway scheduling problem and to develop an automatic procedure of feasibility analysis in subway scheduling. To this end, accurate simulation of train movement (via a simulator, named HAMLET) is applied first by considering the line geography, train performances, actual speed restrictions, etc. The critical elements of subway scheduling and their correlations are then studied and a bound structure of the critical factors is established. The feasibility of primary plan requirements is analysed with the restrictions of the bound structure. Infeasible aspects and possible adjustments are shortly discussed. Finally, the subsequent applications including schedule generation and optimization according to various objectives are indicated as well.


factor analysis, feasibility evaluation, periodic scheduling, subway, train scheduling


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