© 2022 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
The paper describes the external structural factors required for the development of a port towards third generation. Following the UNCTAD definition, a port qualifies as third generation if the activities performed on the premises increase the added value of freight in transit.
The analyzed factors concern infrastructures and services, either material or immaterial, which contribute to the increase of freight value, in the process of interaction with the port surrounding area. The problem studied is that of a container port which, from a simple transit node, aims to become a third-generation port.
The problem has been studied in the literature for what concerns the activities within the port. The paper considers the interactions activated with the external areas, both in terms of integration with urban areas, and their sustainable development, and in terms of relationships with research centers to improve the processes of transformation of goods in transit.
The Italian port of Gioia Tauro is presented as case study in the final part. The external interactions connected to urban development, and the external interactions connected with university research near the port, are examined.
third generation port, port competition, urban sustainable development, urban regeneration, new town, port research
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