Residual Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns after Close-In Detonations: Experimental and Numerical

Residual Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns after Close-In Detonations: Experimental and Numerical

M. Arlery C. Pontiroli 

CEA, DAM, GRAMAT, F-46500 Gramat, France

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Post-blast residual bearing capacity of columns is a crucial issue for the assessment of progressive collapse risk on multi-storied buildings.

In this paper, experiments of small-scale near-field detonation on reinforced concrete columns are presented, during which pressure loadings and dynamic displacements are measured. Post-blast residual bearing capacities of the columns are also measured by quasi-static compressive tests up to failure. Experimental results show gradual transition from global to local damage, but strongly non-linear loss of capacity with stand-off distance reduction.

Numerical simulations are performed to simulate both blast and compressive tests. First, the complex dynamic loading and response of the columns can only be correctly reproduced thanks to detailed dynamic 3D fluid calculation, performed with OuRANOS  code [26], and comprehensive concrete behavior description with PRm model [29], implemented in AbAQuS-Explicit. Then, low loading rate calculations with AbAQuS-Explicit can reasonably restitute the quasi-static response of blast- damaged columns under increasing compressive load.


blast, damage, experience, reinforced concrete column, residual capacity, simulation


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