More than 50% of industrial accidents in the manufacturing industry are caused in nonstationary work. In nonstationary work, the worker’s behavior characteristics appear most easily. If the behavioral characteristics are classified into some types and the feature and the danger of the type are recognized, they can be put in the safety management item, and the prevention of the disaster in nonstationary work becomes possible. Worker’s action characteristics can be modeled as a combination in order of preference of three elements: risk prediction, risk avoidance and risk transmission. The behavioral characteristics of workers can also be modeled as the combination in order of preference with the aforementioned three elements. In previous research, it has been found that the models were classified as 14 kinds of behavior patterns. In this study, we report on the following research results. We have developed a testing apparatus to measure the consciousness level about risk prediction, avoidance and propagation, and the presence of 14 kinds of patterns of behavioral characteristics was verified. The relationships between the behavior type and the dangerousness, the behavior type and the mistake occurrence were examined experimentally.
behavioral characteristic, human factor, infrequent operation, psychological tests, risk reduction, risk-taking situations
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