Earthquakes and their aftermath have played a big part in the lives of many New Zealander’s over the past five years – and while Kiwis are resilient, the tourism sector (as our largest single export industry in terms of foreign exchange earnings) has suffered, particularly in the quake-hit areas of Christchurch and Kaikoura. An integrated approach between local and central government, tourism bodies, commu- nities and civil defence is required in forming both pre-emptive and recovery methodologies.
Through the lens of the New Zealand regulatory planning framework, we will discuss the current situation (three months post-earthquake) in Kaikoura. In addition, we will be exploring strategies and tools to assist rather than constrain tourism operators and operations during, and subsequent to, any future natural disasters. Although seismic activity seems to have increased over the past ten years, it could be assumed that little has been done to refine or instigate regulatory measures to respond to the specific issue of maintaining and/or improving sustainable tourism in NZ.
A series of photographs by a top NZ social media photographer and environmental advocate are included to illustrate the scope and impact of the recent 7.8 magnitude Kaikoura earthquake (14 November 2016). We will outline problems encountered by tourism operators, the existing regulatory local and central government measures in place to avoid/remedy/mitigate effects of natural disasters on the tourism industry, and respond with potential long term strategic options to overcome these identi- fied obstacles.
civil defence, local government, natural hazard, regulatory planning, resilience, sustain- ability, tourism
[1] International visitor arrivals commentary; Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employ- ment (Hīkina Whakatutuki), available at sectors-industries/tourism/tourism-research-data/international-travel/international-vis- itor-arrivals-commentary (accessed 18 February 2017).
[2] 2013 Census QuickStats about a place: Dunedin City; Statistics New Zealand, avail- able at: quickstats-about-a-place.aspx?request_value=15022&tabname (accessed 19 February 2017).
[3] Tourism Data & Statistics, available at about-the-industry/ (accessed 19 February 2017).
[4] Barrell, D.J.A., General distribution and characteristics of active faults and folds in the Kaikoura District, North Canterbury. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2014/210 & Environment Canterbury Report No. R15/23, p. 3, 2015. available at: www.kaik- active-faults-web-version.pdf (accessed 18 February 2017).
[5] Orchiston, C., Tourism business preparedness, resilience and disaster planning in a region of high seismic risk: the case of the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Current Issues in Tourism, 16(5), pp. 477–494, 2013.
[7] Ruminations on the problems with the Resource Management Act, Sir Geoffrey Palmer QC, Keynote address to the Local Government Environmental Compliance Conference 2 – 3 November 2015. available at:
[8] Wellington Region Local Government Review Panel, Future Wellington-Proud, Pros- perous and Resilient (Wellington October 2012) para. 515.
[9] New Zealand Productivity Commission, Using Land for Housing (Wellington October 2015). available at:
[10] New Zealand Legislation, Parliamentary Counsel Office, Resource Legislatioin Amend- ment Bill. available at: est/whole.html
[11] New Zealand Legislation, Parliamentary Counsel Office, Hurunui/Kaikōura Earth- quakes Recovery Act, 2016. available at: lic/2016/0102/latest/whole.html