Airliner maintenance is a high-risk sector from an occupational health and safety perspective. In the current context of increasing air traffic worldwide and in view of the economic and safety issues associated with aircraft maintenance, it is imperative that companies providing this service receive support in their quest to reconcile operational performance with OHS. A survey of interdisciplinary research published from 2004 to 2014 allowed analysis of current thought in industrial engineering, human factors engineering and aeronautical de-icing, thus revealing a need for the design of aircraft de-icing activities that are sustainable, holistic and integrated. In response to market evolution, aeronautics will have to offer aircrafts that are greener, meaning safe for all users (including maintenance workers) and the environment throughout the product lifecycle.
aeronautics, aircraft maintenance, aviation, de-icing, human factor engineering, integrated risk management, occupational health and safety, sustainable development
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