Hurricane Resilience Indicators in Mexican Caribbean Coastal Cities

Hurricane Resilience Indicators in Mexican Caribbean Coastal Cities

O. Frausto A. Vazquez L. Arroyo L. Castillo M.L. Hernández 

Sustainable Development Division, Quintana Roo University, Mexico

Science and Engineering Division, Quintana Roo University, Mexico

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The use of indicators to prevent hurricane impacts locally is a new tool in the area of climate change and resilience. However, many critics the methods for designing these indicators, mainly those resulted from bottom-up and top-down models. Based on the social-ecological analysis, it is defined coastal urban resilience for hurricanes under the bottom-up and top-down model, with the support of experts and other key actors in the integral hurricane management in three coastal cities in the Mexican Caribbean: Chetumal, Tulum and Playa del Carmen. Thus, the objective of the present research is to generate coastal urban resilience indicators that comprehend the complex learning system, adaptation and selforganization in hurricanes. Indicators measures three spatial levels: local, regional and global and one temporal (1-year cohort of 1990). Besides, the following are the three dimensions of indicators: A. Resilience capacities (history of hurricane impacts). B. Consequences (management and self-organization). C. Learning and behaviors (in front of effects and damages).


 disasters prevention, monitoring, risk management, urban resilience


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