The Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL) Programme was initiated in the late1980s in response to a number of chemical accidents that resulted in deaths and injuries, environmental damage, and extensive economic consequences in the surrounding communities. Initially, the APELL Programme focused on assisting decision-makers and technical personnel in improving community awareness of industrial hazards and in preparing response plans for chemical accidents. Nowadays, it is also applicable to natural hazards. This paper aims to provide to community, locallevel institutions, industry, experts and other stakeholders a tool, using Fuzzy Relation, the Community Risk Fuzzy Model (CRFM) to estimate the various types of risk they are exposed to, supporting the decision-making process, especially as to whether or not further assessments are needed. This tool will be developed based on an existing one, named Community Risk Profile (CRP), of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). An application of CRFM will be presented using three communities at risk of flooding located in the metropolitan area of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
APELL, Brazil, CRFM, emergency, flood risk, Fuzzy Logic, hazards, UNEP
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