The accurate shape and position of cavities in an underground mine are important factors that could affect the reliability of numerical modeling analysis result. The traditional numerical stability analysis of underground mined out stopes either considers the cavity shape as a regular geometric object or uses a simple model created for analysis purposes; both of the methods could affect the accuracy of numerical simulation results. Cavity monitoring system (CMS) is used to survey the actual 3D shape and the true position of the cavities. The 3D digital terrain model (DTM) of the grouped cavities is then created in the mine design software. A novel and integrated approach to access the stability of the underground cavity based on the DTM and numerical models is presented. By following a planned excavation sequence, the in situ stress distribution condition of the mining area has been assessed. The result will be considered as the basis of the excavation re-arrangement and safety strategy of the mining area.
CMS, FLAC, mining cavity, numerical simulation, rock mass, safety & stability
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