Dust explosion is a serious hazard in process industries where combustible dust is handled. Dust explo-sion commonly occurs in a confined space such as a silo, a vessel or a warehouse. Based on industrial accidents involving dust explosion, it may cause fatality, injury and property damage. Therefore, a practical approach for integrated risk management of dust explosion hazards is required. This research focuses on the development of a spreadsheet tool for predicting the severity of dust explosion. The consequence modelling is required to enable the assessment of risk associated with dust explosion. Various published models were studied for initial work of consequence modelling. Parameters con-sidered were the dust deflagration index (Kst), the maximum explosion pressure (Pmax), the maximum rate of pressure rise (dP/dt)max and the laminar burning velocity (Slbv). Reliable value for these dust explosion parameters has been tabulated based on closed vessel laboratory tests. A case study of dust explosion involving maize starch in closed vessel was used to test and validate the developed conse-quence modelling tool. The modelling result was discussed by comparing the predicted value against experimental value. The spreadsheet tool that was developed in this work can be used for the purpose of risk management of a facility associated with dust explosion hazards. It can be used to assist the application to combustion suppressant agent and design of explosion venting to prevent and mitigate the consequence of dust explosion.
Consequence modelling, dust explosion, risk assessment
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