The Integrated Safety/Security/ Communication System of the Gran Sasso Mountain in Italy

The Integrated Safety/Security/ Communication System of the Gran Sasso Mountain in Italy

Fabio Garzia Roberto Cusani 

Wessex Institute of Technology - Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, UK

Department of Information, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Rome, Italy

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A high safety and security level of a complex system is very difficult to be reached, guaranteed, and managed if the system is characterized by a peculiar complexity and physical extension, due to the elevate number of parameters to be checked and controlled. The use of human resources needs an elevate number of personnel members that could not only be able to reach the desired goal but could also be exposed to severe risks in the presence of dangerous and emergency situations. For this reason, it is necessary to use integrated safety/security/communication systems that are capable of managing the elevate number of parameters involved, reducing the number of personnel members, and increasing their functionalities and operability. In this paper the integrated safety/security/communication system of the Gran Sasso Mountain in Italy, characterized by a high and unique complexity from the interna-tional point of view, is illustrated. The system is also endowed with an efficient early warning system capable of predicting in advance, with an error equal to zero, any critical situations, allowing the activa-tion of the relative procedures to avoid critical and dangerous situation.


Control system, early warning system, integrated safety/security system, supervision system, telecommunication system


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