Experimental and Numerical Method for Determining Wood Char-Layer at High Temperatures Due to an Anaerobic Heating

Experimental and Numerical Method for Determining Wood Char-Layer at High Temperatures Due to an Anaerobic Heating

E.M.M. Fonseca L.M.S. Barreira 

Department of Applied Mechanics, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal

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This work proposes an experimental and numerical method to determine char-layer and temperature in pine wood at high temperatures. The elevated temperature in the wood is due to an anaerobic heating process. A thermal unit and electro-ceramic resistance are used during experimental tests to simulate elevated temperatures in wood profi les. Wood samples have been manufactured for experimental tests. To ensure greater efficiency in the heating process, it is necessary to insulate the wood samples. A numerical method that predicts the thermal degradation of wood exposed to high temperatures is used. A non-linear thermal and transient analysis is conducted using the finite element method. Numerical results are obtained to determine temperature fi elds and char-layer in wood profi les under same con-ditions. The char-layer is calculated for pine wood profi les (Pinus pinaster) through this study. This parameter is important in safety design because it determines how cross-section size decreases to criti-cal external conditions. These methodologies could be used to assess the performance time of wood material, during exposure to high temperatures or in fi re conditions.


char-layer, heating process, high temperatures, pine wood


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